lauantai 13. tammikuuta 2024

E1000. "Synnytys, äiti ja vauva terveet ja onnelliset", Giving birth, quick natural painless birth 

7.11.2023  A booklet in Finnish "Synnytys, äiti ja vauva terveet ja onnelliset"

If one wanrs to translate it, it is the task of many people, one foe each cultural area or something like that, and the translation would be a work of the translator instead of mine, so they also have their name on it and can dell it and keep the money they so earn, or so I understood. 

Kirjasena postissa, huom etsi Amazon-nettikirjakauppa lähempää, esim

9.11.2023   " E-vihkosen voi kai nyt ladata osoitteesta ilmaiseksi. Mutta vihkosen myyntisivun teksti siitä puuttuu ja  vihkosen myytävän paperiversion kannen kuva olisi hyvä olemassa, kun haluaa opettaa vauvaa huolehtimaan itse synnytyksen, ainakin osin. Eivätkö vaikka isovanhemmat voisi kustantaa teille tuon vihkoseni?


Tavallisista kirjakaupoista voi kai tilata Amazon-verkkokirjakauppojen kirjoja. Kirjakauppa laskee niille hinnan, ja kenties innostuu ostamaan niitä useampia, jos kirja on hyvä ja kysyntää on. 


10th of November 2023   "Giving birth, mother and newborn baby healthy and happy" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola


I tried writing the central points in English, see


You could try translating (for example ) from Finnish to English the following pages :

The following is the best of my advices about giving birth. The first link's version is my own translation of the first advuce, which though seems on the spiritual side marked as too quick, one does not almost notice it, it does not give a feeling of having given birth, it is more like a miracle healing advice only.

The next text ought to have first the Finnish originals of the same pieces of advices and after them later advices about opening the birth channel, which seems to have given happy healthy mother and a baby and felt like giving birth.

About tge possibility of the baby learning to tace care of giving birth and being born.

Afterwards (if there is bleeding or some other need of adapting to chikd having born)

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There are about a thousand entries in my blog and some entries have a few additilnal healing advices, so in practice there are well over a thousand healkng advices in the blog, miracle like healing advices that is. In the books where the blog is as printed there are some 1450 pages. There exists an ok dictionary like translation of tge index, so one can get some idea of what kinds of healing advices these are. But otherwise the translation is a big problem. In additiln to the translating from Finnish to other languages, there are the cultural and climate differencies in ways of living, values, undersranding, ways of communicating, living environment, etc. And a surprising major influencing factor is that all places do not want healing advices, since they do not have healing as a value, as a goal in the society. So one ought to translate for cultural areas that want healing advices. And in any case, like in school's individual practise translations, the end result of the translation reflects the views, values, ways of living, skills and knowledge of the translator, so he/she is the Author of the end result and has the copyright for it and so can also sell the texts and keep the money, while the original Finnish text is just one of the sources. 

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Blog Women's skills taught for men

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15th of November 2023   If you need immediate miracle healing advice, try this: 

C3.   26th of September 2023  

 "Miracle healing advice for first aid plus later 

 Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health."
This is from this same blog, a quotation from my English healing blog 

A miracle healing picture 

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"  I tried to write this to my Finnish healing blog but got computer problems

A writer us different from a care professional

22th of November 2023   About the difference of a writer and a medical professional. I have always wanted to avoid contacts with the ill, handicapped etc, since I feel that I fall myself ill almost always after such, even though not always to the same kind of illness. So as I am fond of healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life, and since the last name Tervola is said to teach healing skills, I have written down my impressions about healing to this blog and some to it's English version. So.etimes I have first checked on some spiritual side that someone who had such an illness got cured by the advice. Last month I tried figuring out advices for giving birth and then tried via some spiritual or mental connectiln helping some woman in giving birth, and since it went well, I wrote the advices down, but for a month or so the woman and the baby kept coming to me on some is it spiritual side and were often at my body's place like one keeping company, but I have felt kind of vanished as if air and others only st my place. This month I wrote some extra advice about how a baby can learn to help in being born, and made a booklet in Finnish, and was it yeaterday or the day before it, some dogs came to my help on some spiritual side and cpunted some 50 000 mothers, babies, ill, care professionals, handicapped etc at my body's space but on some spiritual side, so I have felt just disappeared, erased, ill, sometimes in pains, stupidified and mostly unable to do anythibg much - so this from one case of helping a healthy person and a baby on some spirituaö kind of side, which for me has been much easier, brought much less afterward effects than meeting people or the like. Usually there have been a few such persons or more but not in sight, but after the English translatilns of my healing advices I was just ill for two months or so, almost whole summer. So a writer is a different kind of person from a care professilnal. 

If a care professional or a religious person or some other person helps the ill or people in trouble so much that it is hard to bear so much influencies from the ill, from lack of luck, from unwise ways etc, Buddhism has an answer to that: instead of all ill etc going to the same person or place, each one learns meditation when they are well, and so they practice meditation on their own and that heals them and their lufe circumstancies. Meditation isn't a spiritual thing, it isn't influencies from others who across time would collapse under thr burden of inföuencies from those in trouble. Meditation is something that one oneself does. If the effect of what one oneself does is benefical, one can buikd upon that and learn to heal oneself and get rid of yroubles. If the world is of spirit, by what we do we choose into what kind of world we belong, so choosing good well working ways of doibg, wise things to do and beautiful values and good quality as goals, may make one develop into a benefical direction even if it is first just a dream. But then some unwise tactics must not be taken along, ypu cannot discuss unwise views, values etc, instead just invest on the beautiful and wise, which heal both your life and affect benefically in the world. Do not carry along unwise persons, just tell of ghe good tactics and beautifuö values and they can wander themselves if they so want. 



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